Our failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq thus far has been deeply troubling and our intelligence-gathering process needs thorough and unbiased investigation.
Yes I've listened to just a few audiobooks - but hope to listen to more. I've wanted to investigate how my own books sound in this format and find the experience of listening and not reading quite fascinating.
But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it and to carry his authority as far as it will go.
If your faith is opposed to experience to human learning and investigation it is not worth the breath used in giving it expression.
I haven't been as wild with my money as somebody like me might have been. I've been very safe very conservative with investments. I don't blow money. I don't have a ton of houses. I know things can go away. I've already had that experience.
When you make a commitment to a relationship you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship.
Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason.
Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future.
Moreover the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.
As a former high school teacher I know that investing in education is one of the most important things we can do not only for our children but for the benefit of our whole community.
What the mayors care about is 'How can I get money to invest in the infrastructure in my city? How do we put people back to work lower the unemployment rate provide for job training programs? How do we make class sizes smaller and make investments in our children from an education standpoint?'
You cannot blame the mismanagement of the economy or the fact that we have not invested adequately in education in order to give our people the knowledge the skills and the technology that they need in order to be able to use the resources that Africa has to gain wealth.
Education technology and school construction go together. Modernization updating education facilities and making a capital investment in education are all included.
The Recovery plan will put money in the pockets of the American worker create and save millions of new jobs and invest in crucial areas such as health care education energy independence and a new infrastructure.
The one thing we can do is invest in the quality of education especially higher education.
Ladies and gentlemen: There can be no greater investment in Alabama's future than an investment in education.
Money spent on carbon cuts is money we can't use for effective investments in food aid micronutrients HIV/AIDS prevention health and education infrastructure and clean water and sanitation.
When a woman earns a dollar the payback is higher. She'll invest in her children in their education health care and basic needs. The impact of a woman's role in the economy benefits society at large.
No other investment yields as great a return as the investment in education. An educated workforce is the foundation of every community and the future of every economy.
In his first year in office President Obama pulled us back from the brink of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and worked to lay a new foundation for economic growth. The president identified three key strategies to build that lasting prosperity: innovation investment and education.
America's growth historically has been fueled mostly by investment education productivity innovation and immigration. The one thing that doesn't seem to have anything to do with America's growth rate is a brutal work schedule.
As we develop and get quicker with technology in America it's like we're downgrading if you look at the investment in education... that's the thing that worries me.
When the students are occupied they're not juvenile delinquents. I believe that education is a capital investment.
There's a need for accepting responsibility - for a person's life and making choices that are not just ones for immediate short-term comfort. You need to make an investment and the investment is in health and education.
I know it's a cliche but the whole family is just whacked. I mean we're all out of our minds. They're the funniest most eccentric bizarre people I've ever met my siblings.