I think all the knowledge and all the travels that I've done I'm going to do a lot of great work in the future.
Perhaps the prevalence of pedantry may be largely accounted for by the common error of thinking that because useful knowledge should be remembered any kind of knowledge that is at all worth learning should be remembered too.
I have an incredible amount of basketball knowledge and I think a lot of that is derived from having a Hall of Fame college basketball coach who was very knowledgeable of the game and I had a great high school coach who was also very knowledgeable.
We need to get back to reasoning and thinking things through. The future generation is being brought up in greed and without a true understanding of civics. There is no more emphasis on knowledge and time. As a society we need to process ideas and understand what certain principles are based upon.
If I had to come up with something that just came to me I think growing up in a small town I want knowledge. I still think today knowledge is one of the keys.
It's a wonderful profession and it opens lots of doors and I think it's quite right that people can accuse actors and actresses of being dilettante but you learn on every job whatever it is the process moves you on in some way and yeah I want to expand my knowledge of our existence I suppose.
So no one should rely on television either for their knowledge of music or for news. There's just more going on. It's an adjunct to the written word which I think is still the most important thing.
I think my knowledge of music theory is rooted in jazz theory and a lot of the writers of standards - Rodgers and Hart and Gershwin.
I think it will be found that experience the true source and foundation of all knowledge invariably confirms its truth.
Crime shapes how we think about the world it shapes social decisions that we make it shapes our base of knowledge. But we don't talk about it intelligently.
If the views I have expressed be right we can think of our civilization evolving with the growth of knowledge from small wandering tribes to large settled law.
I think in the NFL knowledge is power and you try to get the knowledge by whatever means.
We need to think more about the nature of rhetoric in anthropology. There isn't a body of knowledge and thought to fall back on in this regard.
Others think it the responsibility of scientists to coerce the rest of society because they have the power that derives from special knowledge.
Basically I was a rebel growing up. I got kicked out of six schools. But I don't think that it makes you less of an intellect. You know if you ever crave knowledge there's always a library.
Knowledge of other people's beliefs and ways of thinking must be used to build bridges not to create conflicts.
You cannot simply put something new into a place. You have to absorb what you see around you what exists on the land and then use that knowledge along with contemporary thinking to interpret what you see.
To express the same idea in still another way I think that human knowledge is essentially active.
With all the knowledge and skill acquired in thousands of flights in the last ten years I would hardly think today of making my first flight on a strange machine in a twenty-seven mile wind even if I knew that the machine had already been flown and was safe.
So I think it is common knowledge that Hitchcock had fantasies or whatever you want to call them about his leading ladies.
I think it's a mistake to treat different realms of knowledge as if they are some how fundamentally the same.
Just like I find men who talk sports who don't really know sports annoying I think men might find women who don't really have a true passion and knowledge of sports maybe not so attractive.
The new industries are brainy industries and so-called knowledge workers tend to like to be near other people who are the same. Think of the City of Hollywood. People cluster. This means you have winning regions such as London and Cambridge and losing regions. The people who want to be top lawyers in Sunderland are hoovered up by London.
We don't focus as much in schools on educational knowledge which requires thinking and application as we do on acquiring facts.
Marriage is a lot of things - a source of love security the joy of children but it's also an interpersonal battlefield and it's not hard to see why: Take two disparate people toss them together in often-confined quarters add the stresses of money and kids - now lather rinse repeat for the rest of your natural life. What could go wrong?