I learned much more about acting from philosophy courses psychology courses history and anthropology than I ever learned in acting class.
Now when I hear that Christians are getting together in order to defend the people of Israel of course it brings joy to my heart. And it simply says look people have learned from history.
Governments have never learned anything from history or acted on principles deducted from it.
In the long history of humankind (and animal kind too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.
We learned the value of research in World War II.
They were afraid never having learned what I taught myself: Defeat the fear of death and welcome the death of fear.
From dear dear Gloria Swanson I learned how to live long happy and free of health problems. I owe her my life.
I learned that people everywhere are basically the same and have similar goals that we do. They want health and happiness and the opportunity to provide for their families.
In my life I've learned that true happiness comes from giving. Helping others along the way makes you evaluate who you are. I think that love is what we're all searching for. I haven't come across anyone who didn't become a better person through love.
I'd learned how much happiness money can bring you. Very little.
Some of us learned in a school of philosophy which taught that all was for the common good and nothing for oneself and have never in any case regarded the pursuit of happiness as anything other than an aberration of the human spirit.
I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires rather than in attempting to satisfy them.
I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you and were tender with you and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you and disputed passage with you?
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.
I learned law so well the day I graduated I sued the college won the case and got my tuition back.
Now I learned soon enough that among the three two don't trust the third one - the third one is the government. Both industry and unions feel the government is a talking organization and a spending organization.
When you decide to get involved in a military operation in a place like Syria you've got to be prepared as we learned from Iraq and Afghanistan to become the government and I'm not sure any country either the United States or I don't hear of anyone else who's willing to take on that responsibility.
A peaceful man does more good than a learned one.
Yet taught by time my heart has learned to glow for other's good and melt at other's woe.
I tried to drown my sorrows but the bastards learned how to swim and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling.
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who however has never learned how to walk forward.
I do not believe in God his existence has been disproved by Science. But in the concentration camp I learned to believe in men.
The most important lesson that I have learned is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times we go through different trials and following God's plan seems like it doesn't make any sense at all. God is always in control and he will never leave us.
The women's movement completely changed attitudes all over the world in ways we'll never be able to count.