Search For instance In Quotes 61

Only the most unapologetic biblical fundamentalists for instance take every biblical injunction literally. If we all took all scripture at the same level of authority then we would be more open to slavery to the subjugation of women to wider use of stoning. Jesus himself spoke out frequently against divorce in the strongest of terms.

Women speak because they wish to speak whereas a man speaks only when driven to speak by something outside himself like for instance he can't find any clean socks.

When the British came to Ibo land for instance at the beginning of the 20th century and defeated the men in pitched battles in different places and set up their administrations the men surrendered. And it was the women who led the first revolt.

There are evils that have the ability to survive identification and go on for ever... money for instance or war.

There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.

There are days when I intentionally don't write. For instance I never write when I'm traveling because travel is a situation where I can learn more by looking and listening than by working.

If you travel to the States... they have a lot of different words than like what we use. For instance: they say 'elevator' we say 'lift' they say 'drapes' we say 'curtains' they say 'president' we say 'seriously deranged git.'

All the technology of our production was still pre-War. They were sort of '38 '39 and the War had been stable and so we were infinitely behind whatever had been going on in the United States for instance.

I had come to the point when I realized it was unlikely that my film career was going to move beyond a certain level of role. And I was - because I had graphic instances of it - handicapped by the success of Star Trek. A director would say 'I don't want Jean-Luc Picard in my movie' - and this was compounded by X-Men as well.

The Roman legions were formed in the first instance of citizen soldiers who yet had been made to submit to a rigid discipline and to feel that in that submission lay their strength.

Nevertheless as is a frequent occurrence in science a general hypothesis was constructed from a few specific instances of a phenomenon.

It's easier to write from my own life and it's also more fun. I always write about relationships for instance whether they're romantic relationships friendships encounters... there's always a lesson to be learned from them.

I respect people who feel things passionately. I do. But when someone is a judge that is not what they should bring to the bench. It is not really passion except in rare instances that serves the bench well. It is rather an ability to understand the law and follow it.

Instead of yelling and spanking which don't work anyway I believe in finding creative ways to keep their attention - turning things into a game for instance. And when they do something good positive reinforcement and praise.

You shall always find what you created in your mind for instance a benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets. Therefore concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what you consider to be positive and good.

I think there are things in my story that have helped my creativity. Your father being killed for instance is one of the best things that could happen to a kid if he's going to write poetry or songs.

The music industry's actions at the time of 9/11 and since have been actions driven by patriotism in most instances and greed and stupidity to a lesser degree. Sounds like real life doesn't it?

You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have for instance.

It is a sign of a dull nature to occupy oneself deeply in matters that concern the body for instance to be over much occupied about exercise about eating and drinking about easing oneself about sexual intercourse.

There are certain pursuits which if not wholly poetic and true do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees for instance.

For instance I'm always fascinated to see whether given the kind of fairly known and established form called popular music whether there is some magic combination that nobody has hit upon before.

The absolute transformation of everything that we ever thought about music will take place within 10 years and nothing is going to be able to stop it. I see absolutely no point in pretending that it's not going to happen. I'm fully confident that copyright for instance will no longer exist in 10 years.

I don't profess to have music as my big wheel and there are a number of other things as important to me apart from music. Theatre and mime for instance.

I think it's unfortunate that there exists only one path in America to complete social legitimacy and that is marriage. I think for instance that it would be far easier for Americans to elect a black president or a female president than an unmarried president.

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God enters by a private door into every individual.