Religion is the best antidote to the individualism of the consumer age. The...
We are the children of a technological age. We have found streamlined ways of...
Music has always been my protection against the world from a very young age....
When I was seventeen I worked as a counsellor at a co-ed sleep-away camp for...
Experts tell us that 90% of all brain development occurs by the age of five....
I was always concerned with writing to my age at a particular moment. That...
I think women get caught up too much in having a plan - 'I'm going to get...
I could always sing from a really young age but my voice was really weird....
I'd like to look like Madonna when I'm her age. I also look at athletes and...
You get to a certain age and you can't judge yourself on your dad or your...
American Idol transcends age gender ethnicity everything.
Many women my age have known the experience of giving up crucial parts of...
I love things that age well - things that don't date that stand the test of...
I am a grandmother now and that means age is creeping on creeping on.
Just as we reject racism sexism ageism and heterosexism we reject...
A newspaper is lumber made malleable. It is ink made into words and pictures....
The reason for the slow progress of the world seems to lie in a single fact....
It's the kind of clothes that mothers and daughters can wear in terms of...
I'm totally into new age and self-help books. I used to work in a bookstore...
One of my grandfathers actually having gone out there as a minister...
The older generation had greater respect for land than science. But we live...
I remember being in Hollywood at the age of 16 and marveling at the stars....
I started auditioning when I was about 10 and I didn't get my first job until...
There probably aren't a lot of actors my age who tap dance.
Especially with the signing of riders with climbing abilities and the new arrival of Tyler Hamilton who has the strength and ability to become a great leader for the big tours. All in all I feel this is a very complete team.