I'd like to think that the actions we take today will allow others in the...
The task of a university is the creation of the future so far as rational...
As a kid I'd go into the bathroom when I was having a tantrum. I'd be in the...
One faces the future with one's past.
We're not planning for the future. If we continue to spend ourselves into...
You can't let your past hold your future hostage.
I have been judged to be a pessimist but what abyss of ignorance and low...
John wrote with a very deep love for the human race and a concern for its...
Adolescence represents an inner emotional upheaval a struggle between the...
And that's how we build the economy of the future. An economy with more jobs...
America's future will be determined by the home and the school. The child...
The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.
The EU is not a country and it's not going to become a country in my view...
Inspiring scenes of people taking the future of their countries into their...
I just can't wait for the future.
I honestly don't know but if America continues to refuse to reduce its...
More is required of public officials than slogans and handshakes and press...
We would fight not for the political future of a distant city rather for...
We do not know enough about how the present will lead into the future.
People talk about doom-laden scenarios happening in the future: they are...
I look forward to a time in the not so distant future when we no longer...
I never think of the future. I never imagine what comes next.
I am neither a sociologist nor a politician. All I can do is imagine for...
I'm pro-life. I'll do all I can to see every baby is created with a future...
When it comes to cars only two varieties of people are possible - cowards and fools.