It were better to have no opinion of God at all than such a one as is...
Nature and nature's laws lay hid in the night. God said Let Newton be! and...
All are but parts of one stupendous whole Whose body Nature is and God the...
God to me it seems is a verb not a noun proper or improper.
Where lipstick is concerned the important thing is not color but to accept...
God gave us faculties for our use each of them will receive its proper...
It is not all bad this getting old ripening. After the fruit has got its...
I always distrust people who know so much about what God wants them to do to...
I don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her.
A God without dominion providence and final causes is nothing else but...
God is like the sun. When the sun shines it shines for everyone. God is for...
God never ends anything on a negative God always ends on a positive.
God is not upset that Gandhi was not a Christian because God is not a...
Me shooting 40% at the foul line is just God's way to say nobody's perfect.
One person who has mastered life is better than a thousand persons who have...
God's voice is still and quiet and easily buried under an avalanche of clamour.
I like people and I like them to like me but I wear my heart where God put...
God exists if only in the form of a meme with high survival value or...
I wished to God the doctor had handed me a pamphlet that said 'Hey sorry...
A science which does not bring us nearer to God is worthless.
The romantic love we feel toward the opposite sex is probably one extra help...
God as now generally conceived of is only the last witch.
To know God better is only to realize how impossible it is that we should...
If God wants us to do a thing he should make his wishes sufficiently clear....
All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.