The study also included the disturbing revelation that most of the troops who...
One in seven Americans lives without health insurance and that's a truly...
For many years I didn't have health insurance.
My good health is due to a soup made of white doves. It is simply wonderful...
We cannot seek or attain health wealth learning justice or kindness in...
Even if you walk exactly the same route each time - as with a sonnet - the...
It's never occurred to me to worry about my health or that I'll get old or...
We can't afford to sacrifice another generation of American children to...
I try to make my bed every day for mental health. Coming home to an unmade...
Because when we think about the real facts: 44 million Americans without...
If you're under 26 you can stay on your parents' plan. You can go back to...
If you're self-employed between jobs or can't get insurance through work...
More than five million seniors have already saved money on their prescription...
General Motors spends more on health care than steel.
I believe we all agree that for the health of Kansas nothing is more...
But the dollars spent on economic incentives and new investment strategies...
If a State has reliable scientific information that demonstrates that a...
We don't come to Canada for our health. We can think of other ways of...
Seven presidents before him - Democrats and Republicans - tried to expand...
In my case I pay a standard premium to participate in the Federal Employees'...
America's doctors nurses and medical researchers are the best in the world...
The real cure for what ails our health care system today is less government...
While Haiti has recently celebrated more than 200 years of independence from...
We take our kids for physical vaccinations dental exams eye checkups. When...
It was sort of just a family sport. My mom and dad were pretty keen golfers when I was young and so were my grandparents and I just sort of tagged along with them.