The conduct of President Bush's war of choice has been plagued with...
I think Mr. Clarke had a tendency to interfere too much with the activities...
Leadership offers an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life no...
Leadership is an active role 'lead' is a verb. But the leader who tries to do...
Actions not words are the ultimate results of leadership.
Leadership is about doing what you know is right - even when a growing din of...
Under the leadership of President Bush and Vice President Cheney the United...
Hamas also elected to governmental leadership in Palestine includes the...
It's a different era. Our job now is to show leadership and vision and to...
Preparing our city to achieve its destiny will require strong leadership.
Different times need different types of leadership.
People more than ever since I can remember are concerned about being out of...
The important thing is that we recognize our President's leadership that he...
I am proud of the President's leadership. I am proud to support him in...
Our country also hungers for leadership to ensure the long-term survival of...
We should be therefore supporting a larger Europe and in so doing we should...
This administration and the leadership in Congress appear to be intent on...
Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts.
The House Republican leadership has simply run out of ideas.
The war and terrorism in the Middle East the crisis of leadership in many of...
I've been the co-chair of the Non-Partisan Women's Caucus and vice-chair for...
Boone Pickens should be commended for his leadership on American energy...
In working with UNICEF our corporate partners have demonstrated time and...
A significant number of pages and sentences that the administration wants to...
I try to be the best husband I can be and if people respect that that's cool. But there's no 'perfect husband.' We just all try to do the best we can you know what I mean?