Man after all my grandma put into me learning the piano that was a hard day...
People desire to separate their worlds into polarities of dark and light...
Teaching is the royal road to learning.
A little learning is not a dangerous thing to one who does not mistake it for...
Are your kids learning the right lessons about 9/11? Ten years after Osama...
What I'm still grappling with and learning how to do is to be looking and...
There's no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times.
I spend a lot of time learning about bird watching.
I love nature and enjoy learning new skills.
You never stop learning. If you have a teacher you never stop being a student.
I'm pleased to say my knee feels a lot better. It's still not back to normal...
I've always loved music but I never really played anything. After 'Walk the...
To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance.
I can't do the same movies all my life. I'm conscious of that. But it's a...
I have no control over what people think of me but I have 100% control of...
I've had a tough time learning how to act like a congressman. Today I...
All are agreed that the increase of learning and good morals are great...
I'm learning to accept the lack of privacy as the real downer in my profession.
I grow old learning something new every day.
I feel the older I get the more I'm learning to handle life. Being on this...
I am growing and learning. There's so much more that I want to accomplish and...
I was diagnosed with a severe temporal spatial deficit a learning disability...
The spotlight will always be on me but it's something I'm learning to live...
Without feeling abashed by my ignorance I confess that I am absolutely...
All this technology for connection and what we really only know more about is how anonymous we are in the grand scheme of things.