Love is the answer and you know that for sure Love is a flower you've got...
Love cannot save you from your own fate.
The love of heaven makes one heavenly.
Hatred is blind as well as love.
When a man has once loved a woman he will do anything for her except continue...
Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them they will forgive...
All you need is love.
Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds.
Respect is what we owe love what we give.
What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the...
Love is too young to know what conscience is.
I do all the evil I can before I learn to shun it? Is it not enough to know...
Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea...
This is one of the miracles of love: It gives a power of seeing through its...
True love doesn't happen right away it's an ever-growing process. It develops...
Speak low if you speak love.
Justice that love gives is a surrender justice that law gives is a punishment.
Politics is such a torment that I advise everyone I love not to mix with it.
If you want to be successful it's just this simple. Know what you are doing....
One advantage of marriage is that when you fall out of love with him or he...
We can't command our love but we can our actions.
I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate - it's...
The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge place...
All everything that I understand I understand only because I love.
You don't have to do everything by the time you're 30. Or 40. All you need is a work ethic. It's what allows you to push through moments of disappointment and self-doubt and fear.