From the very start of all of this my mom has read the scripts first. And if...
I was embarrassed that I even wanted to become an actress because coming from...
Before you're a mom you don't know what gear is going to be relevant.
I gave guitar lessons. I tried to join bands. My mom always said it was...
We didn't have movies in this little mining town. When I was 12 my mom took...
When you're sick nobody takes care of you like your mom.
My mom played the recorder. But not having electricity we had minimal...
My daughter's name is Neesyn Dacey but everyone calls her Dacey. Her mom...
One time my mom tried to ground me but that lasted 15 minutes.
My mom took me to a Dolly Parton concert when I was 3.
My mom's hot. I mean she's old but my mom's out of control.
Once you're a mom always a mom. It's like riding a bike you never forget.
One of my most sentimental items is my grandmother's engagement ring that my...
For many women going back to work a few months after having a baby is...
No my mom kind of led me toward acting. She wanted to be an actress when she...
My mom was a great cook and great baker all her life.
I think a good mom is an awake mom. At least for me I've always been a...
I have lots of records quite a collection actually that I stole from my...
Country was about character. Country's changed because of monsters like Clear...
It was my mom and I against the world. We lived in New York in this bohemian...
I was class mom at the preschool one year and I was pretty much asked not to...
All of us kids ended up 'doing Mom.' There are four of us who've tried show...
I always say I am a realist and my mom says 'No you just have anxiety.'
It's fun to play mom. Last I knew I was playing a 17-year-old who graduated.
A career is all very well but no one lives by work alone.