My mom and I have always been very close. She is my best friend. She had to...
I became a mom at 37 and having a child has been an emancipation for me.
My mom wasn't a movie star.
I think my love of journalizing my life comes from my mom.
When I was really young my mom enrolled me in dance classes.
My mom was tough.
I started cooking when I was about 10. I have memories like when I was 6 or 7...
What makes me happy is just curling up in with my mom in her bed and watching...
A Romney-Ryan administration will protect and strengthen Medicare for my...
And to this day my Mom is my role model.
I could get away with not taking care of myself as a bachelorette but as a...
My mom and I are very close.
My mom is always telling me it takes a long time to get to the top but a...
The person who has inspired me my whole life is my Mom because she taught me...
My mom decorated with lots of antiques. I never liked it when I was a little...
You know I don't think any mother aims to be a single mom. I didn't wish for...
When I was 5 some financial things happened and I moved seven times in a...
My mom never taught me to be waiting for some prince on a white horse to...
I love my mom. My mom loves me. We don't have an easy relationship. I don't...
When love is gone there's always justice. And when justice is gone there's...
I told my mom, 'I'm not buying another magazine until I can get past this...
My sisters and my mom those people help me get through every single day.
When you are getting ready to become a mom being in love with someone just...
My mom and I had the same vision and we want the same things. We would...
You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.