My joking answer to this question is that I leave a bowl of milk out on the...
We were making new ones the second year. We were in syndication the second...
Sometimes I lose a whole morning waiting on journalists and other people who...
I am on my way to Ghana tomorrow morning and you just need to know that this...
What I remember when I started to write was how I couldn't wait to get up in...
I loved to read and I think any child who loves to read will read anything...
And the greeter is what sets the tone for this company and I've been on TV a...
If I can bring joy into the world if I can get people to stop thinking about...
Another challenge? Getting up at 6:30 in the morning to go act. It's not fun...
My host at Richmond yesterday morning could not sufficiently express his...
My wife gets pampered pretty well. She's had me trained since she was...
I sit down at my desk pretty early in the morning and write all day until...
In New York I like it when you can get bagels at 3 in the morning.
I had no occasion for an apron on that morning.
If I'm coming in at 4:00 in the morning and my kids have been in bed since...
To this day I hate walnuts and I hate onions because on weekends when the...
I write in the morning from about eight till noon and sometimes again a bit...
I took prenatal yoga three times a week including the morning I went into...
I feel a lot healthier when I'm having sex. Physically. I feel all these...
Do I believe in arbitration? I do. But not in arbitration between the lion...
I often write either really early in the morning or really late at night.
It really means a lot that I won the gold medal - but I woke up the next...
From 7 in the morning to 11 at night I was reading. I don't think one can...
Nothing is better than waking up in the morning and being excited to go into...
What you hope for like Unforgiven did a lot to give you a chance to do it again sometime.