Religion promotes the divine discontent within oneself so that one tries to...
I think I like big issues but I don't believe in God or religion.
There's no reason to bring religion into it. I think we ought to have as...
Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is...
I decided to take God and organized religion seriously and to reject the...
Intolerance respecting other people's religion is toleration itself in...
Twenty five percent of Israeli citizens are not even Jewish. Anybody can...
People still kill in the name of religion. We haven't evolved to the point...
I think we have to believe in things we don't see. That's really important...
As long as there are religions there are going to be people who are hiding...
A cult is a religion with no political power.
I do not find it easy to articulate thoughts about religion. I remain the...
We're all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is supposed to...
I just hate one-dimensional portrayals of religion it's too cheap and easy to...
Someone once told me that religion is like a knife: You can stab someone with...
Every society and religion has rules for both have moral laws. And the...
I think people's perception of a rich girl is literal but metaphorically I...
I could never take the idea of religion very seriously.
Boxing is a celebration of the lost religion of masculinity all the more...
Religion oh just another of those numerous failures resulting from an...
The fact is that more people have been slaughtered in the name of religion...
Catholicism is not a soothing religion. It's a painful religion. We're all...
You're always going to have extremists in every religion.
There is no religion in which everyday life is not considered a prison there...
In the United States though power corrupts the expectation of power paralyzes.