The true meaning of religion is thus not simply morality but morality...
The world is my country science is my religion.
Religion fails if it cannot speak to men as they are.
Man is the religious animal. He is the only one that's got true religion...
When I'm not writing I read loads of fiction but I've been writing quite...
I think that we are at a point in our country where we're trying to decide...
God expects from men something more than at such times and that it were much...
It's not my place to tell you whom to vote for to take any political stand...
The more you get into any religion it becomes the same. It really becomes...
Oh there's going to be debate because you're dealing with the Bible and...
No religion can long continue to maintain its purity when the church becomes...
What are my sources of strength? My husband and my three kids my health-care...
I started listening to and playing other music in the '90s. It was after...
Religion may be defined thus: a belief in and homage rendered to existences...
The audience that I try to reach are members of what I call the church alumni...
It appears to be in the nature of religion itself to be prejudiced against...
Religion is a mixed blessing.
The increase of territory and power of empires by force of arms has been the...
Energy energy? Energy is is it's nothing more than a lot of new age hokum...
Billions of people don't practice a religion at all.
I have always said that often the religion you were born with becomes more...
The first act of religion therefore concerns those things which are...
Disappointment over nationalistic authoritarian regimes may have contributed...
For me sport was a religion... with religious sentiment.
The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change the way I see it is service to a fellow human being.