Smile it's better than a poke in the eye.
If you want to meet a woman it's best just to smile and say hi.
Crowds are the most difficult thing for me these days because I have to walk...
We smile at the ignorance of the savage who cuts down the tree in order to...
Usually if you smile at them and show some interest in the toy they will...
The catch phrase for the day is 'Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.'
You know when someone's over-flattering you in a way. You smile but you can't...
When trying to remember my share in the glow of the eternal present in the...
First I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. She was an exceptional and...
When onstage I always try to take my audience through as many emotions as I...
We've been trained since kindergarten: Be nice be kind share put on a...
You can always tell folks from nonfolks. Folks like to feel good like to...
So my style has hopefully changed over the years and it is more relaxed and...
People need to understand that the Lauryn Hill they were exposed to in the...
It scares you: all the noise the rattling the shaking. But the look on...
I love a girl that can make me laugh. I am not really a laugh-at-things type...
Clinton's hands remain incredibly clean don't they and Tony Blair's smile...
Laughter is regional: a smile extends over the whole face.
Ostensibly rigorous and realistic contemporary conservatism is an ideology...
A smile costs about $240.
When I came into office people said 'Billionaire? How do they live? What do...
I've had to learn to fight all my life - got to learn to keep smiling. If you...
Just because a situation is grim doesn't mean you don't have every right to...
There is not a soul who does not have to beg alms of another either a smile...
I don't need to be asking for money for local museums and other projects just to make me look good back home.