Standing beneath the white light of an Apple store is like standing on a...
When you look at other countries that are developing the capabilities and the...
More and more job listings are exclusively available online and as...
I have a vision that's about technology that empowers consumers over...
The United States has far more to offer the world than our bombs and missiles...
We may have to force people to get together in terms of picking a particular...
Further the United States is moving ahead in the development of clean coal...
We are the number one economy in the world and we ought to continue to...
It's a 360-degree sound experience. Like you're in the middle of the band. A...
It's hard for us in our stores to be a leader in technology.
I have advocated an entirely different approach than cap and tax which would...
Well Microsoft really does develop some really interesting technology.
I have friends who have a CD mastering plant in Hollywood and they are very...
My theme for philanthropy is the same approach I used with technology: to...
We must safely secure our border by investing in more law enforcement and...
This would only come if you have a revolutionary change in technology like...
Certainly the advent of technology and electronic commerce has had an immense...
My first job after college was at Magic Quest an educational software...
Second we're spending a huge amount of money on technology so that everyone...
Technology is the fashion of the '90s. It affects everyone and everyone is...
But I think technology advertising will have to stop addressing how products...
Our technology is very scalable. Our software can accommodate enormous...
For over 15 years through the clean coal programs of the Department of...
Accordingly it is our task to ensure that the Government formulates policies...
We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them.