Truth is on the side of the oppressed.
Even if I accepted that Jesus - like almost every other prophet on record -...
Scientific truth is marvelous but moral truth is divine and whoever breathes...
If any man seeks for greatness let him forget greatness and ask for truth...
The truth is balance. However the opposite of truth which is unbalance may...
I'll continue to try and balance like a circus act. And I will just fight to...
Man's mind is so formed that it is far more susceptible to falsehood than to...
The pursuit of truth will set you free even if you never catch up with it.
Truth may be stretched but cannot be broken and always gets above falsehood...
Popular opinions on subjects not palpable to sense are often true but...
The price of being close to the President is delivering bad news. You fail...
Truth is inseperable from the illusory belief that from the figures of the...
But if you want to know the truth the weirdest thing that has happened has...
I pefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie. If someone is telling me the truth...
All vital truth contains the memory of all that for which it is not true.
When I grew up in Taiwan the Korean War was seen as a good war where...
There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of...
A priest is he who lives solely in the realm of the invisible for whom all...
Nothing does reason more right than the coolness of those that offer it: For...
Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders than the arguments of...
A caricature is putting the face of a joke on the body of a truth.
Without the way there is no going without the truth there is no knowing...
Rough work iconoclasm but the only way to get at truth.
The teller of a mirthful tale has latitude allowed him. We are content with...
Sure science involves trial and error. Scientists refine theories each day. But as they do they help us grasp more clearly the wonders of the world and the universe.