Officials at the White House are saying that President Bush hasn't changed...
I did a production of 'Journey's End ' an RC Sherriff play about World War I...
It was quite a European war until 1917 when the Americans joined up. They...
The war on terror is the most insane and immoral war of all time. The...
There is so much that must be done in a civilized barbarism like war.
The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between...
Here we will solve with laws and dollars problems that too many people...
If men make war in slavish obedience to rules they will fail.
Law is always better than war.
There must be people who remember World War II and the Holocaust who can help...
You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will.
If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty I will...
War is too serious a matter to leave to soldiers.
There's many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory but it is all hell.
It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and...
The biggest problem was the politicians knew nothing about fighting a war.
The facts of life are that a child who has seen war cannot be compared with a...
I had very good support from Democrats and Republicans all throughout my...
There's no doubt that usually a president's public image is enhanced by going...
War is never fatal but always lost. Always lost.
That is what war is and dancing it is forward and back when one is out...
I want a world without war a world without insanity. I want to see people do...
I would make this war as severe as possible and show no symptoms of tiring...
War is at its best barbarism.
The laptop brings back a more seamless kind of learning.