As for charity it is a matter in which the immediate effect on the persons...
In the re-creation of combat situations and this is coming from a director...
When war comes two things happen - profits go way way up and all...
I interviewed survivors I went to Poland saw the cities and spent time with...
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory but boys it...
Once the command of the air is obtained by one of the contending armies the...
Cards are war in disguise of a sport.
What is more immoral than war?
The natural principle of war is to do the most harm to our enemy with the...
War kills men and men deplore the loss but war also crushes bad principles...
How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and...
Be polite write diplomatically even in a declaration of war one observes the...
War is a blessing compared with national degradation.
No more war! Never again war! If you wish to be brothers drop your weapons.
We can for example be fairly confident that either there will be a world...
For one thing I don't think that anybody in any war thinks of themselves as...
War is good when good survives and evil is crushed. If you don't crush evil...
If you want to fight a war on drugs sit down at your own kitchen table and...
War is cruelty and none can make it gentle.
With those attacks the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the...
This was not an act of terrorism but it was an act of war.
Some have argued that confronting the threat from Iraq could detract from the...
Really when it comes to gay rights there's two wars going on. The first war...
A man will go to war fight and die for his country. But he won't get a...
You know sex is actually not so original as the way people love or the stories behind each relationship which is what you remember. Sex is sex in the end.